In order to be eligible to order heating or kerosine diesel online you have to live in Limassol, we only deliver in specific addresses & postcodes but we cover most of the city’s areas.
Postcodes we deliver to:
3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3020, 3021, 3022, 3025, 3026, 3027, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3035, 3036, 3040, 3041, 3042, 3045, 3046, 3047, 3048, 3050, 3051, 3052, 3055, 3056, 3060, 3061, 3065, 3066, 3067, 3070, 3071, 3075, 3076, 3077, 3080, 3081, 3082, 3083, 3085, 3086, 3087, 3090, 3091, 3095, 3096, 3100, 3101, 3105, 3106, 3107, 3110, 3111, 3112, 3113, 3115, 3116, 3117, 3118, 3120, 3310, 3603, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4040, 4041, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4045, 4046, 4047, 4048, 4049, 4100, 4101, 4102, 4103, 4104, 4105, 4106, 4107, 4108, 4130, 4131, 4150, 4151, 4152, 4153, 4154, 4155, 4156, 4157, 4158, 4159, 4170, 4180, 4181, 4182, 4183, 4184, 4185, 4186, 4187, 4188, 4189, 4190, 4191, 4192, 4193, 4194, 4871, 4532, 4521, 4645, 4551, 4653, 4160, 4161, 4162, 4632, 4636, 3780, 3781, 3782, 3840, 3841, 3842, 3843, 3820, 3821, 3905, 3720, 3721, 3722, 3723, 3724, 3725, 3726, 3727, 3728, 3729, 3730, 3731, 3732, 3733, 3734, 3735, 3779, 3906, 3912, 3502, 3904, 3500, 3501, 3502, 3594, 4549, 4651, 4525, 3049
Enter your address or postcode in the enter address or postcode field and click submit, if we deliver in your area the system will respond with a message if we deliver in the specific postcode/address or not.
If we do deliver in your area you can select the product you would like to order: Heating Diesel or Kerosine and you can proceed with entering the amount (in € ) you would like to order, selecting the date and time and proceed to checkout.
At your left hand side of the product details you can see a Litre/Euro calculator. From there you can see todays price per litre and also calculate how many litres you will receive with the amount of € you are going to order.